
Menampilkan postingan dari 2019

tugas iklan link iklan parodi, loca-loca universitas gunadarma 1SA01 Nama kelompok : 1. Elsa sandra eprilia 2. Gayatri cahya maulidya 3. Rahayu ratu azizah
I smile while I intend to cry I laugh when I feel like dying inside, hoping that  maybe one day in between  all the fake emotions that i wore, I'll find a smile that won't seem  so made up anymore 

basic persuasion techniques

Basic persuasion techniques   1.  Association This persuasion technique tries to link a product, service, or idea with something already liked or desired by the target audience, such as fun, pleasure, beauty, security, intimacy, success, wealth, etc. The media message doesn’t make explicit claims that you’ll get these things; the association is implied. Association can be a very powerful technique. EXAMPLE :    2. Bandwagon      Many ads show lots of people using the product, implying that "everyone is doing it" (or at least, "all the cool people are doing it"). No one likes to be left out or left behind, and these ads urge us to "jump on the bandwagon.” Politicians use the same technique when they say, "The American people want..." How do they know EXAMPLE :      3.  Beautiful people  uses good-looking models (who may also be celebrities) to attract our attention. This technique is extremely common in ads, which may also imply (but


an introduction hello my name is gayatri cahya maulidya you can call me yaya, i live in depok pondok tirta mandala i was born in depok may 25th 2001, i'm 18 years old. my hobbies are swimming, running, cooking, riding and cycling my favorite songs are nothing gonna change my live for you, when you tell that you love me, i love you baby, i will fly, bahasa kalbu and dekat dihati. i interest at photography because i like to take a picture of nature and silhoutte.🌆🌈 now i'm continuing my study at gundarma university majoring english literature and then i choose major english because i likes, english is interesting and there is no math (kenyataan nya ada dan baru tau :( ) . i want to be a international reporter because i like jurnalictic ;) and then i want to travel around the world. 🌏🌎 i`m javanese my father is from east java (jember) and my mother is from jakarta. my father is a army and my mother is busniness woman she have a house rental. my hard s